At 6:56 PM on
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Sisters!

At 6:56 PM on

The purples!

At 6:54 PM on

The Liu family

My first entry in 2006.
At 10:41 PM on
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Here's some quick updates in the new year. School started for almost a month. Told myself that i must really work hard when sem starts but it seems a leopard never changes its spots. Yes i'm back to skipping lessons except for Macro lectures where I really rushed to school on time and even earlier for the entire week which was so unlike of me. That was the most productive and fulfilling week for me. Went for only 1 lesson last week and 2 (no should be one n a half) this week. I'm not trying to give myself excuses but those lessons are really a waste of time i feel. They aren't value adding because i really do not understand and totally lost in lecture. Okay probably it's just me that i did not put in effort to concentrate. My other classmates seemed ok. Well, just hope the local ones will be better. Talking about my classmates, i have a huge class now. Many new faces on the first day of school and there were even insufficient seats. Made a few new friends, some were nice and friendly but there was this particular guy who was quite a turn off. Shan't elaborate much. Everyone knows. Anyway, such people are just irritants. But generally, so far so good.
Work's been smooth too. As long as I don't start dreading work, everything's fine. If there is something i want to grumble about, it would be the long distance back. But that isn't much of an issue. Will get used to it. Anyway, i can concuss on the way back. Haha.
Now comes the issue of him. Yes it's the same him. I hate to bring up this topic again esp when it's been so long. My heart smiles when i learnt that he's single again but frowns when i felt his indifference. The warmth i used to get from him disappeared leaving the coldness. I know things can never be the same again. I've got to once again learn to let go and get this fact etched deeply in this puny brain of mine that things will NEVER be possible again. He will never come back to me again. I just hope I won't feel too much of his indifference again. I really hate that feeling.