At 4:02 PM on
Friday, February 24, 2006

At 1:30 PM on
Sunday, February 19, 2006
I thank you for those words. Those words that made an impact on the heart that I once thought might be dead. But no, it has relived. Now a heart that had moved on and no longer yearns for you. I really really want to thank you.
To the Present,
I thank you for making my heart alive and kicking once again. To feel what I thought I will not get to feel again. Even if all these are just temporary, I'm contented. At least I know my heart still knows how to feel. But I sincerely hope all these stays and even flourish.... I really hope you feel the same way too... By,

At 9:27 AM on
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Hmm..I think I...Hmm..=) By,

At 12:23 PM on
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The finished product. Just look at the 'U's made by me will do.
My Dad can really draw. A pity he didn't pass any of those gd genes to me. He draws after dinner every day and before he goes to work every morning. He will then laminate his finished product and hang them around Mum's shop. Took these while attending the shop today.


At 8:06 AM on
Monday, February 13, 2006
Woke up in the morning to find a table full of food all prepared by our beloved mum. Presenting to you......MY BRUNCH!

At 5:12 PM on
Sunday, February 12, 2006
While waiting for the aunties who went around exploring the house, me n sis started taking pictures!

Taken inside the house. Can't really see how 'interesting' the place is.

Taken outside the house while waiting for Dad to come and take the keys from us cos he lost his whole bunch of keys.
I guess the best part was the dinner! My uncle is a great cook. I'm falling in love with his cooking!

Our dinner cooked by uncle. Really delicious I must say!
Went shopping after that. Mum bought me a bag as a present for V-day! For many years she has been the one buying me present for V-day. How sweet. By,

At 3:25 AM on

At 2:18 PM on
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Hmm i tink Mum's weird. Whenever she sees me using the com, she gets all excited and ask me if there's any gd news. I've given up but seems she hasn't. Probably she's the one who likes him. Haha. Whatever. By,

Okay this is quite scary.
At 11:07 AM on
Friday, February 10, 2006


New Jasmine.
At 4:01 AM on
Thursday, February 09, 2006

At 9:34 AM on
Saturday, February 04, 2006
When will you ever hear my heart crying, shouting and yearning for you? By,