At 3:59 PM on Saturday, February 24, 2007

Met up with the A10 peeps for dinner. No wonder it rained so heavily. Haha. We all know why ya? Next time we'll know what to do. Rite KS? Anyway it was indeed an enjoyable night.


At 3:46 AM on Thursday, February 22, 2007


My dearests.

I'm glad I chose to face it and solve it. I realised the change in me and am really happy I made that decision. Had my thoughts all sorted out and returned to be the happy Jasmine she used to be. I'm surprised it didn't take long this time. Pardon my childish-ness earlier. Everything's fine now. I'm so glad I didn't do things that will leave regrets. This is the first time I felt I've changed and have really grown up in my thinking all thanks to you, my friend. Thankfully I didn't lose you. I believe God will decide my path and I patiently awaits what He has in store for me.


At 4:51 PM on Sunday, February 18, 2007

你知不知道我有多努力想要对自己好一点,让自己开心?你知不知道我用了多少时间和努力才能让自己从上次的跌倒再爬起来?将近四年。但如今,因为你的一个无理介入, 破坏了我这么辛苦想要维持的平静和快乐生活, 再一次让我好不容易修好的心受到伤害。或许这是上天给我的另一个考验,安排你无缘无故地闯入我的已经很美好的世界,然后狠心地当了一个过路客,再一次让我的心感觉到痛,然后让我试着再一次去凭自己的力量收拾残局,重新站起来,更勇敢也懂得怎样去面对将来所会发生的种种不如意的事。但,为什么要在我的心已经完全复原而在享受着我的平静快乐生活时,再让我受伤呢?




At 2:03 AM on

Each time this sort of things happen, it always makes me think of Ivan. And it happened again. This time more severe.

To the passerby in my life: Thanks for disrupting my life and causing damage to my heart. Well Done!


At 5:19 AM on Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm giving up. I dun wish to play the guessing game anymore.


At 1:39 AM on

I totally hate the feeling of falling for someone and it is not mutual or at least I can't sense that it's mutual. 如果是这样的话,神啊!请把我的情根拔掉吧!让它再也不能长出来! I know I can overcome this. I've done it the last time round, I can do it again. But, why do I have to be tested all the time?


At 2:55 PM on Friday, February 16, 2007

I know this post is super outdated. Anyway, went prawn fishing with my favourite classmates last Tues at farm mart. The excitement comes when you manage to catch something but it gets real boring when there seems to be no prawns in the pond. It is really a test of Ms Liu's patience which ain't alot to talk about in the first place. All in all, wonderful company is all that matters isn't it?

My favourite classmates.
My dearest friends. (opps sorry Donald!)

The girls.

Waiting for our prawns.

See the bored look in all of us.

I FINALLY CAUGHT 1!!!! and that's the only one I caught after 3 hrs.But that makes jasmine a happy girl afterall!
Jeffrey: "Eh wad u doing? got prawn pull up pull up!"
Me: Huh?!? *frantically pull up e rod*
Jeffrey: Wah ur float sink until liddat u still no reaction.
Me: Haha ya lor i was wondering how come i throw my float in den e float never float!

Quite dumb. And I watched my float sink for few seconds. Quote Ernest: "It's really a miracle I managed to catch that prawn." I'm dumb but that prawn also not very smart.
Our combined effort. 13 people, 15 prawns, 3 hrs.

BBQ time!

All hands on the prawns.



At 4:01 PM on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

你問在我心中 是否還苦惱
那次受傷 否決了愛的好
謝謝你的關照 我一切都好
一個人 不算困擾

愛雖然很美妙 卻不能為了寂寞 又陷了泥沼
愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找 感覺很重要
寧可空白了手 等候一次 真心的擁抱
我相信在〔這個〕世界上 一定會遇到

那次流過的淚 讓我學習到
如何祝福 如何轉身不要
在眼淚體會到 與自己擁抱
愛不是一種需要 是一種對照

愛雖然很美妙 卻不能為了寂寞 又陷了泥沼
愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找 感覺很重要
寧可空白了手 等候一次 真心的擁抱
我相信在〔這個〕世界上 一定會遇到

當我想清楚的時候 我就算已經準備好
放手去愛 海闊天高 WO WO WO WO YEAH

愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找 感覺很重要
寧可空白了手 等候一次 真心的擁抱
我相信在〔這個〕世界上 一定會遇到

The words in red are so true. Can anyone tell me why do I feel that way now? That familiar feeling is back again. For that someone whom I've not gone out with, that someone forever so non-chalant. If you think you're that someone reading this, please give me the right directions.


Back in action.

At 3:23 PM on Saturday, February 03, 2007

I've been MIA for such a long long time. Shifu says everyone is so used to me MIA-ing all the time that noone misses me now. Ok fine. I'm labelled anti-social anyway. Am quite used to it too. Hah. Anyway, I've lost contact with the world for nearly 2 mths. Can't do without my com really. But well, I'm finally back home! These 2 mths have been really memorable with us staying everywhere. From Eunos to Hong Kong, and from Sembawang to Genting. Reason? My house's under renovation. Now that everything's more or less completed, we are all just so glad we're back to our cosy nest after 2 mths of 'sleeping around'. My bed is still the best! Will post pics after I get my curtains. Haha. I have so many things to blog about since my last entry was Kwan Shen's 21st bday. Shall start off with our dear Ms Mak's birthday celebration held at Kallang Mac. See how much these overgrown kids enjoyed themselves? We had such a wonderful time!
The overgrown kids with our birthday girl!

The very happy girls.

Us with our burgers.

Me and my very happy friends.

Happy people present at the party.

Happy Birthday Cher!

Yummy yummy!

She's such a darling!

Me with the darlings.



At 3:20 PM on

Next up will be the Hong Kong trip I went with mummy and little sis. We had so much fun that I almost didn't want to come back. Took 498 pics in total therefore I shall just post random photos.
Hong Kong Disneyland!
Tim Sum Restaurant

The Peak

Night scenery
At the hotel
Taking a train
At the museum
Snoopy's World
Hotel breakfast

There are simply too many pics for me to post here.


At 3:19 PM on

There's the genting trip with my family as well. Equally enjoyable. We just so love one another's company.

My dearest!

Brrrrr..Cold..(Yes I know my hair is super messy!)

The sisters!

The sisters and bro-in-law.

In the cable car.


At 3:18 PM on

Attended cousin's wedding 2 weeks ago. A pity didn't take alot of pics.
