At 12:51 AM on
Monday, December 29, 2008
1. Still quite healthy except for the usual migraine attacks but thank God for the invention of those happy pills that never fails to keep me alive till now. But I guess i'm over reliant on them now that I feel insecure without them. Yes i'm a drug addict now.
2. Workwise nothing much has changed except closer bonds with colleagues. More joy and laughter. Happy and contented where I am now. Just hoping my only wish will be granted very soon. Other than that, I've nothing much to ask for.
3. Family is still as fun loving and caring. Of course, occasional arguments and dissatisfaction is inevitable. I shall try to put up with everything. But all's still good.
4. Friends as still as sweet as ever though meet ups are only once in a blue moon. People I miss will still always be my lovely SAC gals. But recently I realised friends who really care are the guy friends I have. Truly thankful for these lovely people in my life.
5. My love is as understanding and caring as ever and I need him in my life more with each passing day. Love just gets stronger and he's someone I cannot live without now. Really blessed and life ever since he entered has become really wonderful that I can't imagine life without him now. He taught me many things and made me see things in a different perspective. All I can say is I'm really fortunate to have met him. I love you dear and really thanks for everything.
6. Finally seeing some light for our wedding. At least some 'negotiations' done and plans kept in view. Recce has also started. But many many things have yet to finalise and waiting to be touched on. I'm glad things are at least moving although moving at snail speed. It still beats doing nothing at all. I hope it will go full blown in Jan 2009. Dates are tentatively 27 Mar 2010 for ROM and 1 May 2010 for dinner. Will update more on the preparations.
7. My love for heels is getting stronger. So strong that the shoe cabinet can no longer contain my heels. And now I have 18 pairs of new unworn heels lying in my room.
Now on the events:
18 November 2008
Event of the year. Life changing for my dearest sis and bro-in-law as well as for the rest of us. The birth of their bundle of joy. My younger sis and I are finally aunties and my parents, promoted to grandparents. This new little member to the family has indeed brought alot of joy and excitement. I love this little one to bits! He's such a darling. He's Wayne Peh Geng Xuan 白耿轩.
27 November 2008 (Our 20th month)
Went on a Hong Kong trip with dear. This trip is simply a perfect getaway. Disneyland has always been my love and I'm glad it has become dear's too. Just the 2 of us exploring the streets in a foreign land at wee hours in the duper cold weather with him trying to warm my hands in his pocket while trying to find our way with the map, walking from one mtr station to another, in search for good food, endless walking and shopping, enduring the cold at the peak and constantly seeking warmth in his arms, the daily morning massage he gives me and the protection throughout and many many more. Priceless.
Selected just a few out of the many many pictures we took to post. Simply don't have the patience to wait for them to load. Many other nice pictures include those taken in the Disneyland hotel (Everything is mickey mouse-ed including the shower curtain. Something to add, we had a free upgrade to their suite!) Also, other pics taken in Disneyland, the pretty Disney train, Madamme Tussand museum (took with every single celebrity in there), the food, roadside stalls and many many others.
Christmas Eve was celebrated at dear's auntie's house. Ended work around 9pm and headed home before heading to his auntie's place. Christmas day was at home with a feast whipped up by little sis this year. Thunbs up! Followed by opening of presents. My presents for this christmas includes a pair of Papilio sandals from dear, a Tiffany & Co necklace from my teammates, a Guess pouch from Mum, a Fluff pouch from boss, an Espirit blouse from Dad, cookies and chocolate from colleagues, another pouch from another boss, room fragrance from manager.
I picked the little one for gift exchange and I bought him the bumbo chair with tray that left me $86 poorer. Dear was even poorer. He picked little sis and he bought her ticket to JJ's concert. Of course, he gotta buy 2 more tickets so that me and mum can go with her! So that left him 3 concert tickets poorer. But that made the 3 of us very very happy!! Yeah!! I'm finally going to a concert!!!