At 10:24 PM on
Sunday, January 30, 2011
He never fails to impress me with how he debone chicken wings. They can still look so complete and whole and look the same as before but they are actually deboned! I thought that's quite skillful with fork and knife. And of course, chicken wings that he will debone for me are always exceptionally nice! =)
At 7:42 PM on
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Weekend was off to Batam. All about eating, nuaing, eating and nuaing. Oh we did some shopping and massage got to be the best of all, afterall it's my all time favourite! And there goes my hardwork, i feel really fat now.

Nongsa Point Marina. Very nice resort. I like it.

At 9:22 AM on
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Paintball is fun! Although most of the time I don't know what's going on and as if some lost sheep and busy screaming away, I had fun! Painful though. And so I was awarded the 'PAH BUAY SI' award. I think it's more of a sympathy award. Haha. I was made the hostage for the final round. Pretty fun, hiding in the chopper just waiting to be rescued.
15 years of friendship and counting.... =) Thank you all for showering me with lotsa care and love.
At 11:54 PM on
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
What I got from paintball.... 5 blueblacks!
and the result from 5 blueblacks? I was awarded the 'PAH BUAY SI' award!!!
More photos to follow once Siying uploads them.. Stay tuned!!
At 11:07 PM on
Time flies. The little baby who sleeps on the coffee table is now 3 years old and starting school! These 2 days away from work has been the worse yet very much consoling because I had him, my darling Wayne. Sent him to school, watch him enter, put down his stuff, say goodbye and then pick him up from school. Takes abit off the mind doing all that although end of day I'm back to square one. Anyway, Chiltern House is a really nice school.
Wayne all ready for school! Shoes, checked! School bag, checked! Water bottle, checked! File, checked! Boy: Yiyi, water bottle heavy. Yiyi: Okok, yiyi help carry.
And so, the kids have to queue up to take their temperature as well as have their hands and legs checked before entering. See how Wayne listens to instructions, it's really cute! Wayne open your mouth, and he goes, 'Ahhhhhhh'.

A long walk to his classroom...
And he leaves his shoes in the pigeon hole with his name.
I just love how his eyes will sparkle when he sees me, loves how he hugs and kisses me, loves how he holds my hand, loves how he will think of me, loves how he wants me, loves how he will cuddle up next to me, loves the way he leans on me, loves the way he smiles at me, loves how he listens and talks to me, loves how he can always make me smile and feel happier, loves the way he shows he loves me, loves his innocence, loves his simplicity.
The way he holds my hand with both small hands in mine and stays quietly by my side really melts me. Yiyi really loves you Wayne!
At 10:29 AM on
Congratulations Lester! Really love companies like these. I hope the friendship will last long.

Always feel sweet attending weddings.
At 7:13 PM on
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Various ways of playing with the ABC mat!
At 11:21 PM on
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Our dear boy at 2 mths old and 2 years old. See how much he's grown!
At 10:35 PM on
CNY's round the corner and mum has been busy with these....
And sweetly packed into small containers for us to bring to work!

Tell me how not to get fat?
At 12:37 AM on
At 8:30 PM on
Saturday, January 08, 2011
This is gonna be a post on memories. Was packing my room this morning and found all these. There are some memories which will be sealed while others like the following will be shared.
The first and only family neoprint. The time when only this kind of boring machines exist unlike the fanciful ones these days. Mei's not even tall enough only her eyes are in the sticker and noone even bothered to carry her. Haha. The one with the datestamp cannot even see her eyes!
My first camera from big sis for my 21st birthday!

Bus cards which i never had the chance to use. The squares are always empty. Mummy fetches us wherever we go. Used to envy friends who takes the schoolbus or uses the concession. How silly.

I really have a very innovative and creative little sis. We used to learn to rollerblade and she issued me this license when I picked up the skill! A pity i forgot which year was that. I would think it's around P3 so she's only around 4! How cute!

MD days! Oh my. This MD stayed with me through JC days. Then, MD was the IN thing. Each disk can only store around 70 songs and comes in various colour. Can do recording somemore! At that time this was a cool gadget to have!

I will never ever forget these boxes of treasures I have. The days when fondest memories were created, when bestest galfrens were made, when there were the gloriest moments of my life. These represents so much so much love and sweetness. V-days were so enjoyable and much looked forward to. These creative sweeties never fails to impress and surprise me with their everchanging ideas and thoughts. Letters stuffed in straws, diskettes, empty pen and even toblerone chocolate box, empty sweet box and more. Letters written on disc, filter paper, transparency. And many many impressive ideas they have that are really shocking! One of which will be Seb's 'Your heart is in my hand'! These are really effort by the gals which touches the heart. Not forgetting loads of letters folded in shapes of heart, square, arrow, triangle, rectangle, all kinds!
Only won these trophies in my entire 15 yrs of school life. Pout. Not the achiever material. Let's see what i have. Primary sch there's telematch (???) don't even know what we did! One for being a prefect for 4 yrs, one for 4x100m (my fav item!). Secondary sch there's Basketball tournament 'B' div East zone 4th (gloriest!), 4x100m (2nd & 3rd, see I told you that's my fav!) and achiever's nite Service award for being class chairperson (I think!). Junior college there's Basketball championship (1st and 2nd, I think it's rubbish one. Haha!) and Sea Carnival Dragon Boat race 4th (first time ever won by Arts class!)

My artpieces!! Done by ME! No help from daddy and mummy this time ok! Remembered staying back late in the art room moulding my clay. Was a piece of very satisfied work. I think I have ABIT of the artistic talents too one la! And the kitchen thing, I had in mind to make that and put in the kitchen to put salt, sugar and pepper! Hey this clay thing is no joke one ok, it's really the real thing! Must put in oven to heat one, inside must stuff newspaper so that it gets burnt in the oven and the figure will be hollow and light! Not easy ok....The glass painting is relatively easier. Just draw and paint only.
And when stickers were IN! This sticker book was my birthday present from mum. Got really disappointed when mum told me she got me a storybook. And i really believed it to be a storybook when i ripped the wrappers. You should have seen that million dollar smile and sparks in the eyes of a 9 yr old when she saw that it was a sticker book that she wanted. I also collect phonecards and stamps (I still have them!) Typical things people collect. The hobbies people write in autograph books!
Really had a good time reminiscing those good old times!
At 10:53 PM on
Friday, January 07, 2011
The second time this week....
This time is worse! Jam from Marine Parade to Marina South. Took more than an hour to reach office. Purposely wake up early, leave home early so I can skip the ERP but because of this I had to pay $3! This is really a big NO-NO for Jasmine. SIGH!
At 9:34 PM on
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Went for my yoga class just now and had a scary experience. Halfway through, felt nausea, instructor's voice getting muffled and softer, ears felt block, vision blurred. I thought I was going to black out anytime. A very scary encounter indeed. Thankfully I made it back home safe and sound. Still feeling nausea, hope it gets better tomorrow.
At 7:13 PM on
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
The reason why I love Changi Business Park...
Today, left home 7:10am, massive jam, missed ERP by less than a min, reached office 8am. Petrol last 2 weeks.
Changi Business Park?Start work 3pm, leave home 3pm, reach office 3:10pm, still earlier than some of my colleagues. No jam no ERP. Petrol last almost a month.
Changi Business Park is just LOVE for me!
At 10:58 PM on
Monday, January 03, 2011

At 8:54 PM on
This is why I really love photos and taking photos. Just went to dig out all these valuable photos, got bil to repair the printer/scanner and tadah! Had a good time laughing at those fashion sense. Winner shall be big sis!
Me before age 5.
Me after age 5.
With big sis. Of course I didn't display her horrendous dressing. Lol.
With little sis. We agreed she fits the saying, 小时了了。She's so super adorable! And don't you think Wayne looks like her??
The sisters!

Really contemplating if I should get a Canon S95. So tempted to!! But but but..... How?
At 8:39 PM on
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Changes. The only thing constant. See my change in this 5 years. Not only on the outside but the inside as well. Personal growth and improvement do not need a judge, we know them deep down. We are only accountable to ourselves but I believe people who truly loves me and appreciates me will know. For this new year, i will only continue to improve bearing in mind not to lose myself in the process. I will not lose myself nor succumb to anything unreasonable. I will change only for people who stays in the heart and accepts me for who I am. I will live for myself as well as all those I love deeply. Probably one thing that will not change, 我是一个吃软不吃硬的人,一直都会是这样的一个人。
Major changes and events in 2010:
1. Visited China, Phuket, Bali, Batam and different places in Malaysia.
2. Changed a new job which i regretted.
3. Changed a relationship
Major events/wish I really look forward to in 2011:
1. Batam in Jan, Tokyo in Feb, Phuket in Mar, Bali in May (do hope there's something with the family in later half of the year or hope there will be HK in Apr)
2. Some decent change at work
3. Advancement and good progress in relationships
4. Basically just more loved ones time
I need to:
1. Be more organized and tidy with my room
2. Watch my diet
3. Watch my appearance ie. go for regular yoga session etc.
4. Spend more time with friends besides just family
5. Pick up new things/skills
6. Keep my attitude and temper in check at all times
7. Maintain positive thoughts and minimise negative thoughts
8. Try to keep spirits high
9. Learn to appreciate/love people and things more
10. Try to be better at the end of each day
I need to make all the above happen. I know I can do it! And my only wish for 2011, good health, safety and happiness for everyone dear to me.
At 6:36 PM on
2010 ended just like that. Looking back at the year, there's a couple of lifechanging events. Shall leave that to another separate post. Each year this time, I'll feel a sense of lost and a tinge of sadness as I countdown to a new year. Don't really like this kinda feeling. Anyway, it's a new year and it's important to start the new year right!
This year's countdown was spent in Pulai. Went in first with daddy, mummy and wayne in the morning. Weird combination this time round as bil and both sisters gotta work hence only able to join us at night. First time entering JB sitting infront.
When we reached the resort, inspector wayne cannot help but started exploring around. Touching this and that, climbing high and low. Instructing grandma to take off her shoes in one of the pics.

Snacks (alot!) and wayne's entertainment (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) to last 3D2N. Finished most snacks, yes imagine that all translated to the inches i've gained. =(

After exploring inside, we went to explore outside. Although Pulai is not somewhere new to all of us, we still went to 'explore'.

(Left pic) Our poor boy's sleep got seriously disrupted and he was dead beat! Slept in my arms in the car and carried him up in the manner but when the moment i put him down on the bed he woke up. Argh!!
(Right pic) He loves to rest his chin on my legs to watch tv. Very adorable.
(Top pic) Our dinner (beehoon, fried rice and sweet & sour fish) that we dabao-ed at some restaurant round the corner. They have no box, just what you see here, wrapped in plastic.(Bottom pic) Bread to eat for fun (?) at a bakery in a shopping centre that dad brought us to have our lunch.

Minutes before countdown over redwine in plastic cups and small talks and getting ready to countdown. Cheers! Happy New Year!
2nd day buffet breakfast at the cafe. Look at my pathetic breakfast. 
Lunch at the cafe. Nice fried rice, chicken rice and mee goreng. Not forgetting mummy's favourite chicken wings! Still yummy!

It's really a challenge to get little kids to take a decent photo, so hard to get Wayne to look up at the camera. (Left pic, attempt 1) Look Wayne! There's a butterfly up there! Wayne looks up to see, snap. (Right pic, attempt 2) Look Wayne! I think there's a dragonfly up there now! Wayne looks up to see, snap.

Dinner at 曾记. Some quite good restaurant nearby that we chanced upon. (Bottom right pic: Wayne, what are you doing?)
Chilli crab, Johor Beehoon, Sweet and Sour pork, watercress soup, old cucumber soup and some signature vegetable with ikan bilis. Yummy!

3rd morning. Went over to aunt's room to explore after our donuts and donashi breakfast. (Top pic) Love Wayne's smile!! Million dollar smile.
Activities we do during our 3D2N. Slack, nua, slack and more nua. For little wayne it's reading books after books and his beloved pool. Of course we didn't only nua. We went swimming but no pics. Not forgetting foot massage me and mum did.After checking out, lunch was at 天来。Recommended and frequent by golfers. Good food indeed.

That marks our last family trip overseas for 2010, our 2011 countdown getaway. Back to reality and start of the new year. Wishing everyone I love best of health and happiness always for the many years ahead. May we stay blissfully together and I love you all!
Happy 2011! Greetings from the Lius and the Pehs (missing the little peh who's in lalaland)